Rig Service

Green Yard Feda rig harbor is located a short distance from the North Sea, located in a fjord with short sailing times and stable weather conditions.

With us, rig operators are supplied with green environmentally friendly repair, maintenance, rebuilding and storage of rigs. We have installed onshore electricity with meters for all storage areas. There is room for two rigs at the quay with good depth in the sea. Here you get a high level of security for access, and good facilities on land with your own goods reception, storage area and your own office facilities. The space is also well suited for the storage of ships, and we can offer the same service for all ships.


Jakob Jensen
Salg Verftstjenester
Green Yard Feda
Tlf: +47 97 57 03 89
E-post: jakob.jensen@greenyard.no

Hans Jørgen Fedog
Administrerende direktør
Green Yard Group
Tlf: +47 92 35 00 20
E-post: hans.fedog@greenyard.no

Customer feedback:

Borgland Dolphin, 2020: - We are very satisfied with the services Green Yard Feda has provided in the past, and we have had a long and close relationship. For us, Green Yard Feda was the natural choice for the work with Borgland Dolphin, before we mobilize to work for Wellesley Petroleum. ​

Bjørnar Iversen, CEO, Dolphin Drilling

Our services